703-776-9223 (VA/MD/DC)


512-942-0024 (TX)

Resident Selection Criteria

Resident Selection Criteria

Mars Hill Realty Group, INC is committed to compliance with all local, state and federal fair housing laws. We comply with the Realtor Code of Ethics and the NARPM Code of Ethics.  We do not discriminate against persons because of race, color, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, age, sexual orientation or gender identity.. Any criteria below that is not met, MAY be approved on a case-by-case basis with additional security deposit payments and/or advanced rent payments.

Here are the factors we look at:

Rental History - We require a positive rental history with no evictions, broken leases or outstanding balances. We will verify your previous two residential addresses using the information provided by you on the Lease Application. Your failure to provide the requested information, provision of inaccurate information, or information learned upon contacting previous landlords may influence our decision to lease the Property to you. Other factors that may influence our decision to lease the property to you include: Leaving a previous rental property in poor disrepair, late payments, and no rental history from unbiased sources.

Current Debt/Income Ratio - We require gross monthly income to be three times the total monthly debt. We require you to verify your income as stated on your Application through three months of pay statements or tax returns if you are self-employed. Applicants without sufficient income must submit bank savings/checking account statements showing a minimum average balance equal to six months of rental payments for the last six months and pay the last two months of rent before move-in. The rental amount being asked for the property, the sufficiency of your income, along with the ability to verify the stated income, may influence our decision to lease the Property to you.

Real Page Artificial Intelligence “AI” Score - We require that the “AI” score be a minimum of 700. The software that we use to manage our customer base and application process uses machine learning technology to leverage “AI” in an effort to help identify whether a potential resident would be a good fit for our property. The algorithms measure 9 different areas, such as collections, bankruptcies, foreclosures and felonies, and provide a number between 0-1000.

Credit History - We require a credit score above 620. We will obtain a Credit Reporting Agency (CRA) report in order to verify your credit history. Our decision to lease the Property to you may be based upon information obtained from this report. If your score is below 620, we will consider approval on a case-by-case basis depending on the following factors: history of “write-offs”, accounts in collections, bankruptcies, number of late pays and money owed to previous landlord or utility companies.

Employment History - We require at least 2 years of employment history in the same job (or industry if self-employed). The length of your employment may influence our decision to lease the Property to you.

Criminal History - You must not have a felony or drug offense over the past seven years and not be a registered sex offender. We will check databases for criminal history and our decision may be influenced by the nature of the crime.

Social Security Number - The application will ask for a social security number. If the application does not have one then the following can be provided to help demonstrate solvency and a satisfactory criminal/credit background check:

  • An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) can be used in lieu of a social security number.
  • Background check and Positive Credit History from a third party source.
  • Provide a guarantor to the lease, if the owner approves.

Pet Criteria - Pet criteria may vary by homeowner, see MLS listing for details.  No dog breeds that have Pit Bull/Terrier or Rottweiler.  You must disclose any bite history or history of attack or dangerous behavior for all animals.  This history may influence our decision to lease the Property to you.   See Pet Policy in Resident Handbook (chapter 3d.)

Occupancy Standards - In order to stay within HUD guidelines, we do not permit more than two occupants per bedroom.

Mars Hill Realty Group is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to have any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18.  Our applicants are hereby informed that all properties are available on an equal opportunity basis.
