Per the lease, please submit all work orders by logging into your portal. We have put together this troubleshooting guide to help you find solutions to common maintenance issues and help you through time sensitive situations.
Use at your own risk: The information on this document is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to evaluate and make decisions for your own safety and you assume the risk for following any information on this document. Mars Hill Realty Group cannot be held liable for losses incurred from the following information.
a. Ensure proper operation -
b. If no power - connect 9V battery to bottom of lock.
c. If not responding - see if the deadbolt is moving freely into the strike plate or if it is rubbing against it. This may require door/strikeplate adjustment
d. If keypad not responding - see if you can control it using the TTLock App
2. If not Smartlock - Contact locksmith and provide Mars Hill 2 key copies.