Mars Hill is the English translation for the word “Areopagus” which is Latin for “the hill of Mars.” In Roman mythology, Mars was the god of war. So how does war relate to real estate? Simple. Every successful war plan must start with how well you can accurately predict the actions of the enemy based off historical patterns, known doctrine and other data. This is called predictive analysis.
With a war-proven background in Military Intelligence, Edward has been able to take his analytical abilities and apply these principles successfully in real estate to help his clients increase their Market Intelligence. You’ll never know what a buyer is willing to pay for a house, but with due diligence and a comprehensive plan, agents who understand Market Intelligence will make sure you have the advantage at every real estate negotiation.
If you’re selling a home in Virginia, Maryland or Washington D.C., that means pricing it accurately to begin with. Time is money, and homes that sell slower will cost the owner much more in holding costs, opportunity costs and emotional stress. The #1 tool we bring to the table is the ability to educate you on the market trends and values so you’re comfortable with every offer and counter-offer that comes your way. You won’t find this type of accuracy on Zillow, tax records or from just any traditional agent with a license. With our unique three-fold analysis approach, we give our clients all the leverage they need to confidently sell their home for top dollar in any market.
In summary, Market Intelligence is a measure of a real estate professional’s ability to accurately price your home. Your agent should be able to help you understand your home’s market value relative to the condition, market data, your time frame, and goals. This must be accomplished before you can begin the Market Preparation step.